
Alternative Healing Education:

Many people these days are looking for better healing options than traditional methods. Perhaps, you are one of those people. Here at PERSONAL DEVELOPERS, we focus a lot on the topic of Alternative Healing Education. In other words, we are exploring alternatives that can work in conjunction with pharmaceuticals and traditional medical treatment, as well as prevention of said treatments.

The purpose here at PERSONAL DEVELOPERS is not to knock those traditional methods. There are times when they can be extremely valuable and they have their place in this world that is often extremely helpful and eliminates a lot of suffering. Several of my best friends are in the medical community and work very hard and care very much for their patients.

But what about those times when traditional methods have reached their limitations? What about those times when pharmaceuticals and traditional treatment is no longer an effective option? What if you simply want to know your natural healing alternatives and options?

What Are Some Alternative Methods To Healing?

Traditional methods of healing typically revolve around pharmaceuticals and surgery. This article is about those times when pharmaceuticals and/or surgery are not eliminating the problem. For example, pharmaceuticals can be an effective way to relieve symptoms that cause us to suffer, and surgery can definitely be helpful when we are able to successfully remove a specific invasion of the body that is causing pain and suffering, but unfortunately, this is not always the case and it is not always that easy.

So, The Goal Here Is Not To Replace A Qualified Medical Expert’s Advice – NOT AT ALL!!

The purpose here is to get your thoughts and emotions to cooperate with the goal of being healthy and to learn how to feel the feelings of being healed. This is not about the physical pathways to get there. That is a personal choice. It is about the mental and emotional pathway of strengthening your body’s own defense system and healing mechanisms. Sometimes, that is enough! Other times, we may need additional help and that’s okay.

What about those times when we are told there is nothing else the medical industry can do? Or what if we can find effective and less expensive alternatives in place of traditional methods? What if there are natural alternatives that can prevent us from ever needing pharmaceuticals or surgery? Would this interest you? If so, then this website is for you. We are going to be researching other options, but remember that only you can decide what is best for your health and life.

When Are Alternative Methods The Best Alternative?

Sometimes, there is only so much that the medical industry can do. There are times when pharmaceuticals cause side effects and it seems like the only cure is to take more pharmaceuticals to counter those side effects. There are times when the cost of traditional medical treatment gets a bit overwhelming and (more times than not) unaffordable. There are also times when traditional medical treatment simply does not work or (at the very least) has its limitations.

During those times, people become somewhat desperate, trying to find a better solution. When this happens, people begin to seek other alternatives. The Eastern World focuses a lot more attention than the Western World on other options such as prayer, acupuncture, meditation, etc. But this is beginning to change.

Why The West Is Going East:

Because of this, people are seeking other alternatives and some of the healing techniques of the Eastern World are becoming more and more common as a method with options not commonly found in the Western World. Thanks to the internet, these other alternatives are readily available for study and experimentation.

When the Western World medical community is telling people that there is nothing else they can do for a patient, what is a patient to do? Seek out other alternatives, of course. One of the most common Eastern traditions that is beginning to catch on in the West is meditation.

Why Is Meditation A Viable Alternative?

In the West, we are trained to think of things purely from a “Conscious” perspective. In other words, if we are aware of it, then that is all that matters. Whatever is going on “behind the scenes” in the subconscious or unconscious mind is often ignored by most western traditions.

Yet, by now, we know that a lot of our thoughts and emotions are buried beneath the conscious mind and driving our behavior from the hidden steering wheel of the subconscious mind.

So, How Does This Happen?

What happens is that once thought in a person’s mind, emotion or behavior becomes familiar enough to us, it kind of goes on auto-pilot, as a subconscious habit, often taking us on an unconscious ride. When this happens, the body tends to take over our actions (and/or reactions) from an unconscious level and tends to bypass the conscious thought. As mentioned in another article, you can take riding a bike or driving as a prime example. Have you ever gone from Point A (in your vehicle) to Point B and realized that you didn’t even remember the drive?

This has happened to all of us! We get somewhere and realize that we have no memory of the drive to that location. Then the thought occurs to us, “How in the world did I get here without even being conscious of doing it? And more importantly, did I just DRIVE without even being conscious of what I was doing?”

The answer is, yes you did! But the reason you survived this unconscious drive is that your body took over. Believe it or not, your body did the thinking for you! In other words, your subconscious mind was driving on auto-pilot, without any conscious thought. The way that it did this was through unconscious programming of habits!

So, What Does This Have To Do With Meditation?

Meditation is a way of calming your conscious mind and getting it (or your ego) out of the way. When this happens, you are going into a different brain wave (or frequency), one that is more susceptible to suggestions and change. When you go into a deep state of meditation and get your conscious mind out of the way, you have the opportunity to change core beliefs that are causing you discomfort.

There are several brain wave stages that your mind passes through on a daily basis. When you are in the “Beta” stage – you are fully awake, fully conscious. When you go into the “Alpha” state, you are relaxed but still conscious. When you move into the “Theta” stage, you are in a light sleep, and when you are in the “Delta” state, you are in a deep sleep.

The goal of meditation is to get your mind into the Alpha-Theta state, without falling asleep. When you are at this relaxed state, your conscious mind (or ego) is no longer arguing with you. Think of it like your conscious mind (or Beta state) is the rebellious child, trying to tell you what to do. When that rebellious child falls asleep, the susceptible, programmable part of your mind “wakes up.”

Many experts in this area believe that this is one of the best ways to reprogram that “Habit” part of your mind – by getting rid of the part of your mind (the Beta-Conscious) that likes to argue! Your subconscious (Theta) mind is the obedient child, waiting to take orders and follow those orders. When your conscious mind (rebellious child) has given it the wrong orders, things tend to go wrong.

Why It Is So Difficult To Reprogram the Subconscious Mind:

The problem is that 95% of your mind is operating on a subconscious (programmed) level. Whenever your conscious mind (the other 5%) decides that it wants to change and make improvements, your subconscious mind (the other 95%) is running on automatic programs that are contradicting what your conscious mind wants.

Those automatic programs that are not serving you were installed when your conscious mind was being the rebellious child – the inner critic, the doubting Thomas, the generational feedback loop given to you by family members, the self-sabotaging core beliefs. Think of it this way – that 5% of your conscious mind is trying to fight and override the 95% of your subconscious mind. As Dr. Joe Dispenza will tell you, this is like David fighting Goliath!! No wonder it is not easy!

The Right Way and the Wrong Way To Do Meditation:

Meditation bypasses all of that and goes straight to the 95% of your mind that is running the show, and changing out old programs for new programs. When done correctly, this can be very effective to make changes in any and all areas of your life that you wish to change. In my opinion, the best way to do this correctly is not through subconscious programming given to you by someone else!!! No, no, NO!

This needs to be conscious programming given to your subconscious mind by YOU. You choose the beliefs you want to change. You choose the feelings you want to change. You choose the areas of your life that you want to change. This needs to be something you are doing based on YOUR WILL – never, ever someone else’s. Don’t ever blindly accept someone else’s programming. Only trust systems that guide you into a meditative state, but ultimately let YOU choose the beliefs that you want to change.

Other Alternative Healing Methods:

There are many other alternative healing methods such as natural herbs, vitamins, supplements and minerals, various ways to create healthier changes in core beliefs, various ways to relax the mind and calm the emotions, music therapy, acupuncture, prayer, faith, massage therapy, healthy diet and nutrition, EFT, and healthy exercise done in moderation. These are a few of the things we will be talking about here at PERSONAL DEVELOPERS.


Click Here to Find Out My Number One Recommendation For Alternative Healing!

What are your favorite alternative healing techniques? What methods do you use to calm the mind and emotions and reduce or eliminate stress? Here at PERSONAL DEVELOPERS, we are always interested in learning more about this subject, so please share your comments below!