What Is Pavlov’s Dog?

Who was Ivan Pavlov? Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov was a Russian physiologist (1849 – 1936) who won the Nobel Prize in 1904 for Physiology and Medicine. He was able to acquire this honor by studying digestion and salivary glands. Although his focus was on digestion, he accidentally stumbled across an important and fundamental process through which animals and humans learn. Pavlov’s Accidental Discovery: One day, Pavlov noticed a peculiar phenomenon. Not only did the dogs salivate when their food (meat powder) was brought into the room, but they also salivated whenever Pavlov or one of…

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Who Is Sigmund Freud?

Sigmund Freud was an Australian neurologist and most commonly known as the “Father of Psychoanalysis,” or the Psychoanalytic Theory. Born in 1856, his philosophies had a huge impact on the world in the beginning of the 20th century, and he later died in 1939. Sigmund Freud and His Cocaine Addiction: Freud was well known for his cocaine addiction, which he recommended for the treatment of certain disorders such as depression and morphine addiction. Obviously, we now know this to NOT be the best strategy for the treatment of addiction and…

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What Is Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs?

In 1943, a psychologist by the name of Abraham Maslow wrote a paper for the Psychological Review entitled, “A Theory of Human Motivation.” In this paper, Maslow proposed a five-part theory where he describes what motivates human beings based on a hierarchy of their needs. How Did Maslow Come Up With These Needs? The way that Maslow devised these levels of human needs was by studying the characteristic of people who have been successful and accomplished great things in their lives, instead of studying people who were dysfunctional. In other words,…

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What Is The Fight Or Flight Response?

What’s the Fight or Flight Response? Imagine for just a minute that if you were taking two steps forward, you were moving towards health, growth, healing, and repair. Now imagine that if you were taking two steps backward, you were moving towards illness and disease. Whether you realize it or not, that is exactly what you are doing every second of every day. You are either moving towards growth and repair or you or moving towards disease and illness. But you cannot do both at the same time. You cannot…

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What Is Rational Emotive Therapy?

What Is Rational Emotive Therapy? What was formerly known as Rational Emotive Therapy is now most commonly referred to as Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy or REBT. This form of therapy was founded by clinical psychologist Dr. Albert Ellis, commonly known as the father of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT.) The idea behind REBT is that much of our emotional distress is caused by irrational beliefs and that if we can substitute those beliefs with rational ones, then we can eliminate a great deal of our distress. Dr. Ellis developed what is known…

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Dot Com Secrets Book Review

Name: Dot Com Secrets Book Website:  https://debscourses.com/dotcombook Price: Free (plus shipping) Owners: Russell Brunson Overall Rank: 98/100 Who It Dot Com Secrets For? The Dot Com Secrets Book is for anyone who would like to know what is going on behind the scenes of successful online businesses. Russell teaches how the ultimate strategy of building a successful business is to understand what is going on in the back end of a sales funnel and how to ultimately “own” your traffic and build a list that will consistently bring you income,…

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Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review

Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Name: Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Website: https://debscourses.com/jaaxy Price: 3 Options: Free, $19 per month, $49 (yearly option) Owners: Jaaxy (co-owner is Kyle from Wealthy Affiliate) Overall Rank: 97/100 Jaaxy Keyword Tool Overview Jaaxy is a keyword research tool that can save you a lot of time, saving you from hours of manual research in the search engines. Within Jaaxy, you will find countless keywords, the number of  average searches per month, the average traffic per month, the QSR (competition) for each keyword, and a unique, color-coded keyword…

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Video Scribe Review

Video Scribe Review Name: Video Scribe Website: https://debscourses.com/videoscribe Price: 7 Day Free Trial / $29 mth. / $144 yr. / $665 Lifetime Owners: Sparkol Limited Overall Rank: 95/100 Video Scribe Overview If you have ever wondered how to make animated videos, you are in luck! Video Scribe is a whiteboard animation video software where you can create and design your own animated videos, complete with voice-over or music. Video Scribe contains a decent sized collection of SVG photos to choose from for videos, but you can also upload your own…

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Click Funnels Review

Click Funnels Review Name: Click Funnels Website: https://debscourses.com/clickfunnels Price: Free 14 Day Trial.  After that, $99.00 per month for Standard Membership, $297.00 per month for Etison Membership Owners: Russell Brunson Overall Rank: 98/100 Who Click Funnels Is For: Beginner to Expert – Anyone who wants to start or grow any business online Introduction to Click Funnels: If you have been wondering, “What is Click Funnels?” Then you are definitely in the right place!  Click Funnels is a software program for anyone who has ever spent hours and hours building sales funnels…

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