What Is The Fight Or Flight Response?

What’s the Fight or Flight Response? Imagine for just a minute that if you were taking two steps forward, you were moving towards health, growth, healing, and repair. Now imagine that if you were taking two steps backward, you were moving towards illness and disease. Whether you realize it or not, that is exactly what you are doing every second of every day. You are either moving towards growth and repair or you or moving towards disease and illness. But you cannot do both at the same time. You cannot…

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What Is Rational Emotive Therapy?

What Is Rational Emotive Therapy? What was formerly known as Rational Emotive Therapy is now most commonly referred to as Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy or REBT. This form of therapy was founded by clinical psychologist Dr. Albert Ellis, commonly known as the father of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT.) The idea behind REBT is that much of our emotional distress is caused by irrational beliefs and that if we can substitute those beliefs with rational ones, then we can eliminate a great deal of our distress. Dr. Ellis developed what is known…

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